Friday, May 9, 2008

small world

they call service in zambia the quote real peace corps. Not sure what that means but i do feel like i've landed on another planet. Yesterday we set out for town on foot, hoping we could catch a ride. Not a single car passed up on the 5 km walk. Or the walk home. But we did get passed by several oxcarts and about a zillion bikes, most carrying at least one passenger.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa:

I've been loving the blog posts and e-mails, and now that I'm assured e-mail isn't a burden, I'll actually write you back! I must say, after spending the weekend with relatives in exurban Kansas City, where the vehicles are huge and the houses are gargantuan, your tales of huts and oxcarts are quite the antidote. (Of course, that's easy for the person not making the 10K rountrip to town to say ;))

Now that tax time is past (and once we return from Washington, DC, where your Missouri State Geo Bee champ, Isaac Pasley, will be competing in the National Geographic Geo Bee next week!), I, too, aspire to be one of those much-thanked package senders. To that end, do you suppose you could post a running list of books/mags you already have? (I'd say "have read," but that list would probably run to the thousands.) I'd hate to raise your hopes and then send you something you just finished last week...

Anyhow, thanks again for your blog and e-mail windows into your life in Zambia. All of us Rowdies miss you a lot, and I can't head home "the Stewart Road way" without thinking of you...