Saturday, January 26, 2008

Emptying out

We went to a wine tasting tonight with returned PC volunteers. I wanted to bring some nuts and dried fruit, so I went looking for the Mexican dish I usually use. It was already packed.

Our house still looks full, but we must be making progress, because several times this week, I have looked for something that is already in my parents' basement-- or has gone to the Goodwill. Or the trash.

Yesterday was my last day of work. There's no turning back now-- even if we don't get on the plane to DC, everything has changed. Hanging out with the RPCVs changed my mental state, too. Our friends and family are excited -- some of them -- but it's tinged with sadness, fear. We will all miss each other, and they worry. But the RPCVs we met tonight were thrilled for us. It was contagious.

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