Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Seeing as how I had to coerce people into signing up for the Provincial Talent Show (highly coveted beds at a guesthouse if they agreed to perform), I was a bit afraid that the show itself might reflect its somewhat involuntary nature.

However, I seriously underestimated the burning urge PCVs have to unleash their creative spirit before an audience of their intoxicated peers. We had an amazing roster of singing, dancing, poetry, pirate jokes -- and even a Zam-specific demonstration of carrying massive amounts of water atop one's head without spilling a drop. Even the newbies braved the stage.

The winning act, a rewrite of that Alainis Morisette song that unlike the original used actual examples of irony, made me laugh so hard I cried-- a great way to spend an evening, for sure.

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